The Holidays are Crazy, Your Practice's Schedule Doesn’t Have To Be
Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? Us too. Wonderist and your dental practice have something in common - we’re both small businesses with a whole lot to do before the new year. That’s why we’re excited to share some of our tried-and-true Time Management skills to keep your team efficient, organized, and productive throughout the chaos of the holiday season. Let's dive in!

Time Management Tips and Tricks
Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? Us too. Wonderist and your dental practice have something in common - we’re both small businesses with a whole lot to do before the new year. And with the holidays approaching faster than an Oral-B Pro 1000 on high speed, time seems to have a sneaky way of slipping through our fingers. That’s why we’re excited to share some of our tried-and-true Time Management skills to keep your team efficient, organized, and productive throughout the chaos of the holiday season. Let's dive in!
Outline Your Practice's Priorities
If you have trouble prioritizing projects and tasks, take a look at the Priority Matrix chart. This graph is basic and simple in structure on purpose — it pushes you to choose between high and low urgency tasks, so you can get to work effectively and efficiently.

Start With What You Have
You have a zillion tasks waiting to be checked off your to-do list. Where do you even begin to parse out the urgent tasks from the not-so-pressing ones? Utilizing Airtable’s variety of project management tools can help streamline the tasks you absolutely need to do, rather than having a laundry list of tasks with varying levels of urgency. Looking to learn more but don’t know where to start? Airtable’s Youtube Channel does a great job of tackling your every question, one video at a time. Take a look and dive in!

How Do I Measure Time Management?
This 10-minute Time Management Skills Test will give you a free snapshot report about your time management efficiency and effectiveness.
There are lots of free time-tracking tools out there, so we’ve collected some of our favorites! Check out RescueTime — it provides data on how much time you’ve spent on projects, tasks, and meetings and even set alerts to let you know when you’ve spent a certain amount of time on an activity. Another great option is TrackingTime — colorful pie charts help visually tell you where you've allocated your time based on projects or tasks.

How Does Time Management Affect My Practice?
Being a productive employee is not only beneficial to your practice. Knowing how to properly manage your time makes you happier and improves your job satisfaction. This article (a 7-minute read) and this article (a 15-minute read) list the reasons why productivity and time management are so important, all while providing actionable strategies to maximize productivity in your work day.
I Struggle With Time Management. How Can I Improve?
You're not alone, and these resources offer solutions!
- This 12-minute TED Talk can give you a better understanding on how you can re-gain control of your free time.
- This list of 10 podcasts provides tactics on ways you can boost your productivity throughout your day.
- This 5-minute article explains which music is clinically shown to increase productivity and concentration while working on tasks.
We hope these tips are fun, informative, and applicable to your day-to-day life in the office, especially during the hustle and bustle of the holidays! What would you like to see in upcoming monthly newsletters? Is there a certain skill you'd like some more information on? If so, give us a shout out on social media, we'd be happy to share our tips.
About Wonderist Agency
Wonderist Agency is a full service dental marketing agency that has helped countless practices increase their new patient numbers and thrive with cohesive marketing strategies. Through dental websites, SEO, social media, design and more, Wonderist can elevate your practice and get you the results you’re looking for. Ready to get started with us? Chat with Forrest today!