Case Studies In Paradise: A Day At Camp
What happens when you ask 45 Wonderbuds dressed up like Jimmy Buffett to split up into groups and get to work? You get 7 killer case studies that celebrate client wins and showcase the power of dental marketing.

What happens when you ask 45 Wonderbuds dressed up like Jimmy Buffett to split up into groups and get to work? You get 7 killer case studies that celebrate client wins and showcase the power of dental marketing.
That’s exactly what happened at our latest quarterly meeting, called Camp. It’s a day when the Wonderist team gets together to review financials and push new initiatives forward. This Camp was Jimmy Buffet-themed, and as a San Diego-based agency, the flip-flops and Hawaiian shirts weren’t a far cry from our typical office attire.
Usually, the Buds stroll in, grab some coffee, and then sink into their seats to watch each department head give an overview of the past quarter. But this Camp was a little different.
From Tropical Rock to Chaos
The day started off like most Camps do — Wonderist Co-Founder Michael and COO Matt clicked through a few slides discussing business updates and goals for Q4. After showing off some graphs and numbers, Matt landed on a slide that read “Our Case Study Exercise”. Then, something happened. Everyone’s worst nightmare.
His slides were suddenly empty. It was super embarrassing (this was before we knew it was a bit).
Micheal and Matt frantically looked at each other, scrambling and riffing off of their very blank slides. Then suddenly, they came up with a solution.
In front of everyone, our bosses logged into and started quickly typing up a prompt, asking AI to come up with a set of instructions for a group case study exercise. After a few chaotic minutes, Claude organized groups, came up with clever team names (such as It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere and Fin’s Team), and finally, provided a clear set of instructions.
It went a little something like this: The Buds will split into seven groups. Each group will be tasked with creating a compelling case study for a real Wonderist client. The presentation format? Go big or go home. Don’t feel the need to only use a slide deck. You have two hours to show just how powerful our campaigns can be for clients who are crushing it at their practice. Then, teams will present their case studies to our panel of judges: Laura, Michael, and Matt, and the winning team will get $300 to their favorite local restaurant (Margaritaville, obviously).

The Buds Get Down to Business
So off we went, shuffling around to try and find our fellow group members in straw hats and leis. It’s not every day that a graphic designer and a PPC specialist cross paths and combine brain power, but this Camp was shaping up to be far from the norm.
Then, it was time to do some research. Which client do we want to showcase? What services are they scoped for? What have we done to help them win new patients? Are there any compelling stats can we highlight? Any chance we can get the doc to text us a quick video testimonial?
After crunching numbers, digging up data, and feasting on a lunch of Hawaiian homestyle, each team put together a compelling story about our client wins. And we were ready to show them off.
Time to Grab the Mic
When you give the Buds a set of clear instructions that still provide lots of room for creativity, you get some pretty interesting results. Each team got up to present, telling stories and showcasing powerful client outcomes.
One team received a video from a client saying how Wonderist’s marketing campaigns increased their All-On-X cases from a few a year to 2-4 per month. Another even had an AI-generated voice memo from Laura shouting out how great the campaign has done. It’s safe to say Laura, Michael, and Matt had a lot to consider from each presentation. After a quick deliberation, Fin’s Team took home the winning prize of $300.

What Made Their Case Study Stand Out?
While most groups opted for a traditional slide deck, Fin’s Team decided to shake things up with a clean, beautiful one-page website. The study described Dr. Matthysse’s initial goal, campaign journey, and incredible results.
The main header on the page displayed how South Austin Dental Associates generated $330,000+ from their marketing this year alone. It even showed a video testimonial from Dr. Matthysse describing how our work has helped him level up clinically — massively. To top it off, Fin’s Team included a video review from one of Dr. Matthysse’s patients, who shared how dental implants have transformed his smile and confidence.
The Power of Case Studies
The case study from Fin’s Team was so much more than just a collection of pie charts and line graphs. It showcased how our work makes a real impact on doctors’ lives and the health of their patients.
In the day-to-day grind, when Margaritaville feels far, far away, it’s easy to be critical of our work and constantly look for ways to improve. This exercise taught us that it's equally important to shine a spotlight on what’s working — to celebrate our wins both with our fellow Buds and with our clients. Case studies are a reminder that thoughtful, targeted marketing campaigns have the potential to change lives.

Case Studies Matter to Us. Why Should They Matter to You?
Have you ever found it challenging to convey the true impact of your services to patients? Whether you’re posting before and afters on social or showcasing treatment success stats on your site, these mini case studies allow you to show off tangible results and the genuine impact of your care.
At the end of the day, your practice isn’t just about procedures. It’s about people and their stories. Case studies present those stories in a clear, compelling format. They bridge the gap between clinical facts and human experiences, allowing potential patients to visualize their own journey with your practice. By sharing the real-world outcomes of your treatments, you're connecting with patients on a personal level, assuring them that their well-being is at the heart of what you do.
Cheers to that. 🍹