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How to Craft Dental Content That Will Bring in More Clicks and Patients

How many times a day do you ask Google or Siri to solve your life’s problems? You might be searching a whole range of questions, from what time your favorite Netflix show comes back on to what new dental technology exists–there are 1000s of answers out there, but certain ones seem to bubble up to the top.

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How many times a day do you ask Google or Siri to solve your life’s problems? You might be searching a whole range of questions, from what time your favorite Netflix show comes back on to what new dental technology exists–there are 1000s of answers out there, but certain ones seem to bubble up to the top. As someone who wants to improve their patient numbers with online marketing you might be wondering, what makes something more likely to appear as a top search result and how can I position my practice online to be the answer prospective patient want to click on?

Copywriting for clicks and patients

One of the simplest ways to appear on the top of Google is by placing ads to reach a targeted group of people based on search behavior. Another highly effective option is to maximize your website for organic search traffic so you show up naturally when people search for related keywords. In either case, you need to turn a searcher’s passive intrigued when they see your ad or link into real clicks, real phone calls and real patients. Today, I want to get back to the basics to explain how copywriting can make sure your website and online ads are positioned to rank better on google and convert more phone calls.

Focus on creating unique content

You may have a beautiful new website, but if Google identifies or finds duplicate or unoriginal content on your site, your site will be less likely to rank well in search engine results. If you are worried that your site may have unoriginal content, use this free plagiarism checker and contact our team to help you improve your site’s SEO and Google ranking.

Define your practice

For dentists who want to gain long-lasting new patients it can be difficult to convince prospective patients why you’re better than any other run of the mill dentist. But when your dental copywriting clearly defines your practice–its voice, its services and even its approach to patient health–you take your practice from being just another local dentist to being the only dentist that can meet the specific needs of each of your unique patients. Don’t settle for building a beautiful but bland website! Introduce photos of the staff, build your personality and SEO through an ongoing blog and watch as your practice becomes one your incoming patients say they’ll be recommending to their friends and family.

Find the keywords that work for you

As your practice develops its online presence it will become more and more important to watch what patients are searching when they find you. Could you be gaining more clicks and patients with a page on root canals when “root canal pain” is highly searched in the local area? Understanding what people are searching for and how you rank in your area can make all the difference in who finds you and if they’ll want to learn more. Dental SEO monitoring sites like SEMrush have great analytic tools to help you determine what keywords are the most popular and which keywords you should focus on when writing copy for your website. Find the right keywords and you’ll find the right people.

It's not just about the keywords

We’ve all read those websites that are jammed with awkward keyword phrases and read like they were written by a robot. In the past over adding specific keywords was a popular tactic to increase a page's search ranking but over the past few years Google and other search engines will actually penalize websites for keyword stuffing. We recommend writing for readability first. Don’t focus on the clinical explanation of a procedure or service. Dentistry can be just like sausage making, people don’t need to know every detail. Address prospective patients concerns; Will this hurt? How long will it take? What should I expect? Why should I choose your practice? Who will I be meeting with? At the end of the day highly ranking web pages will fall flat if the actual content isn’t engaging or readable.

At Wonderist Agency, we focus on optimizing your site to reach the prospective patients that are going to feel connected to your practice and take the initiative to come in. Not only should your dental practice be easily found with a Google search, but it should be exactly what future patients are looking for when they want to find a dentist for their specific needs.

Writing and building content that your patients can feel connected to is like starting a new relationship. It takes time, but done right it can generate meaningful relationships that your dental practice and local community will only benefit from. If you’re looking for quality marketing that transforms online content into lasting relationships, get to know our team to see how your good ideas can turn into valuable long lasting relationships.